Saturday, January 2, 2010

The first step; what to do?

In Julie&Julia, Julie Powell was already armed with a catchy title because of similar nomenclature between her and a famous (eccentric) chef. However, the closest I've come to a similar situation is Mary&Mario, meaning Mario Batali. Now, don't get me wrong, Mario is amazing. My mouth waters uncontrollably every time I watch his show, but I don't think I want to confine my adventure to solely Italian cooking.

My mission is to explore the whole, wide world through my taste buds!

So, I don't think I'm going to start off sticking to a specific cookbook. There is one in the Barnes&Noble I'm sitting in right now, called International Cooking, but I think it's a bit outside the price range of a broke high-schooler.

Therefore, I'm going to start out with utilizing the vast resource that is the World Wide Web! Call me Cocinera; kitchen, here I come!

Welcome to Mary's Cooking Adventure! One student's quest to discover the culinary arts, armed with a cookbook and a plan!

What brings people together the most out of anything in the world? Is it religion? Politics? A love of small, fuzzy animals? I would argue that, through traditions lost and forgotten, few still stand today with the same power that they had in yesteryear. I can't name all of those because I'm just an ignorant high school kid, but one I can make a valid argument for is the world's love of food.

Food plays a defining role in different cultures around the world and has for thousands of years. Before the Spanish came over to the Americas oh-so-long-ago, the American Indians had developed a farming (and trading) system that counter-acted the Europeans' view of them as savages (even if the Europeans refused to admit it).

Anyways, I recently saw Julie&Julia in theaters (and I highly recommend it!), so I got an idea to do my own cooking adventure blog. I love to cook! I have since I was a little girl and I made genuine quesadillas for my entire 4th grade class all by myself!

There's also a sense of comfort that comes with a consistent hobby. I may not pass my biology test, but there's always going to be a Harris Teeter open just down the street from my house with plenty of eggs, flour, and sugar. In fact, if I do happen to fail a biology test, you can bet that I will go running home to my mixer and the next day, my class will enjoy my famous, artery-clogging, homemade butter cookies (no, not sugar cookies, butter cookies).

But baking doesn't hold the same challenge for me that meal (?) cooking does; I'm a baker at heart, and there's nothing I can't do with a little sugar and butter, but I want to expand my talents! I want to know the secrets and history behind the meals that make up the cultures of the world! I want to pound my own veal into wienerschnitzel and bread it myself; I want to make the pasta dough and shape it into my own creations, not just cook some from a box! I want to explore everything that makes taste-buds explode and I want to perfect it and share it with those around me.

Because: Cooking is, overall, a connection to those around you. You may not know the names of your college professor, but I'll bet he wouldn't turn down a homemade apple pastry! You may not know your employer, but why not invite them over for a pasta night and get to know them a little? Your family may not get together often, but you can unite them once more over a bowl of beef stew and crescent rolls...

The possibilities that open when you open your cookbook are endless!

That's why my mission is to cook for my friends, family, and maybe even perfect strangers to develop relationships, skills, and confidence before I set off to my first year of college in August 2010.

Wish me luck.